Insight for an Uncertain World
The Airspace Safety Margin Evaluation Tool (ASMET) integrates current and forecast data on known aviation safety risk factors - weather, infrastructure status, and traffic density – to predict the safety margin status of a terminal area several hours ahead. ASMET forecasts safety margin status for 24 airports in 15-minute increments over a four-hour forecast period. ASMET operates as a web application and can be viewed and configured through a standard internet browser such as Firefox, Edge, and Chrome.
The Airspace Safety Margin Evaluation Tool (ASMET) integrates flight plans, aircraft position reports, weather, infrastructure status, and traffic density to identify and predict terminal area airspace risk state. ASMET performs two primary functions: (1) use current airspace states to monitor the current safety margin of the terminal airspace, and (2) predict future airspace states and safety margin values. The core concept of ASMET is to assess the safety margin of the airspace as a function of traffic density, weather, and equipment outages.
ASMET processes data on weather, infrastructure status, and traffic density to predict the airport risk status in 15-minute increment over a four-hour forecast period. Users access the ASMET application via a web browser and can customize the display.
For more information on ASMET, please contact Dr. Peter Kostiuk at pete@robust-analytics.com.